Welcome to Live Free & Ham
Hello there! Thank you for visiting us. We are Eric (N1JUR), Paul (N1OG), Ryan (W1SNH), and Todd (W1STJ), hosts of the Live Free and Ham Podcast.
We are all from the beautiful State of New Hampshire, where we share our enthusiasm for the Amateur Radio hobby. Our podcast, which airs bi-weekly, covers various topics that we're sure you'll find interesting.
Our podcast explores various aspects of the hobby, and we adapt our show format depending on the topic. We're keen on collaborating with other local hams in New England and the NorthEast to help bring Amateur Radio to the forefront!
Please do not hesitate to let us know how we can help. We highly recommend subscribing to ensure you are part of the LFH Community.
Join us as we celebrate the thriving spirit of the ham radio community, spotlighting Tim from the Granite State Amateur Radio Association and his inspiring outreach efforts at a New Hampshire STEM event. Witness the hilarious antics as Paul, our quizmaster, challenges us with a fun ham radio licensing quiz. We share tales of park activations and the $20 antenna challenge, where the cold might bite, but the passion for radio keeps us warm. Tom’s stories of activating a park in Arkansas bring the thrill of worldwide connections from Hawaii to Brazil.