“The Road Less Traveled”
Todd & Eric are working to get a dual kilo at the Nashua Rail Trail
Hey there! Just wanted to give you a heads-up about something exciting! In episode 21 of "A Quest for a Kilo," Todd and Eric announced they would hold a giveaway for the person who can guess the closest date to when they will hit 1000 contacts.
Man, What were we thinking?
A Dual Kilo? Thats nuts?
We've been working on this park for over a year now, and we know we’re eager to get it done.
But we also understand that life can get in the way sometimes, with jobs and other things taking up our time. So we thought, why not make it fun and get folks to join us?
We don't know what will happen, but we're excited to see what we can accomplish together. And we've got until June 21st to finish, so let's get to it!
How does the Giveaway work?
From now till January 31st, you can enter up to 3 dates to lock in for when we’ll complete the dual kilo.
On the day we cross over into our 1000th contact, we’ll be live streaming from the park and randomly picking a winner to receive our special t-shirt highlighting the Kilo and an LFH Sticker Pack for being the 1000th contact.
Then, on our next LFH Live Stream, we’ll announce the winner and what they won!
What if you don’t get an exact date for that winner?
We will pick the closest date by 48+/- hours from our actual kilo date to be the winner. If there are multiple entries for that date, we’ll run those entries through a random number generator to pick the winner!
All you need to do is use your best deductive reasoning to guess when we'll activate the dual kilo. The person who guesses the exact or closest date will win some very cool giveaways.