Show 003: I like to eat Elmer’s….Glue?

Let's delve deeper into the topic of technicians, particularly for those new to the hobby. Have you ever had an "Elmer" in your life - someone who guided and mentored you in the hobby? Was it a valuable experience or different from what you expected? We understand that with the popularity of YouTube and social media, one can easily find information about the hobby. Still, it may lack the personal touch of one-on-one interaction with another person.

Here are the links to some of the clubs we mentioned in this episode

Granite State Amateur Radio Association (Our Club)

Interstate Repeater Society

Nashua Amateur Radio Club (NARS)

Be sure to check out our social pages on Instagram and Facebook.

If you want to support the show, you can buy us a coffee or become a Patreon supporter.

If you would also like to learn more about our hosts, their links are below.

Todd (W1STJ) -

Ryan (W1SNH) -

Eric (N1JUR) -

You can join in on the conversation in our discord


Show 004: It’s not Real Ham Radio


Monthly Live Show - 2023 Field Day Recap