
Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

Tuning into Triumph: When Ham Radio Means the Difference

Have you ever wondered about the unsung heroes that emerge in the hour of need? Meet Ben and Nick, whose incredible survival story is a testament to the life-saving power of Ham Radio in dire circumstances. Our episode peels back the layers of emergency communication, bringing you gripping accounts of close calls and showcasing the strength of the amateur radio community in the throes of New Hampshire's unpredictable weather.

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

Experiencing Ham Radio Clubs: Tips, Tricks and Insider Insights

Craving for a supportive community where you can learn the ropes of ham radio? We've got you covered. We delve into the importance of ham radio clubs for both newbies and veterans. We stress the significance of being a part of a community of helpful enthusiasts, urging you to explore your local clubs. We acknowledge the struggles of ham radio enthusiasts in remote areas, showering you with suggestions to ensure you stay connected and sharp with your communication skills.

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Podcast, Live Show N1JUR Podcast, Live Show N1JUR

100 Sub Giveaway and Best Gear of 2023

Step into a world where the airwaves come alive with holiday cheer and the warm crackle of radio frequencies. Our Christmas special is brimming with the spirit of giving as we, Eric (N1JUR) and co-hosts Paul KF4TPY, Ryan W1SNH, and Todd W1STJ, celebrate hitting the 100-subscriber mark. We're dishing out our top ham radio picks from 2023, and trust us; this isn't just another gear talk; it's a treasure trove of personal stories, practical tips, and a few hearty debates that'll make you feel like you're right here with us, eggnog in hand.

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

The Quest for the Kilo: Two Guys a Radio and a Thousand Contacts

Ever wondered about the camaraderie, challenges, and thrilling chase involved in ham radio park activations? Join us on a thrilling journey in the quest for the coveted Kilo award in Parks on the Air. With Todd, Eric, and Ryan leading the charge, we make our way through the Nashua Rail Trail Park in New Hampshire, one contact at a time. Our tales of night-time radio silence and our love for 10 meters make for a riveting exchange.

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

Park Hopping, from Mass to Maine in One Day

Ever dreamt of a day filled with adrenaline, radios, and a hearty dose of Mother Nature's beauty? If so, we promise to teleport you beyond the everyday humdrum and into the exciting world of amateur radio Seven Park Rove. With your favorite hosts Ryan, Eric, and Todd, this episode is a thrilling journey through our ham radio adventures - and you're in the driver's seat!

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

Dashing Through the Airwaves: Ham Radio Holidays and Hobby Highlights Live Stream

Are you ready to embark on a ham radio adventure with us? I'm your host Eric, with Todd and our special guests Paul and Matt, diving headfirst into the world of amateur radio. We kick off the conversation with Todd teasing upcoming park activations in Louisiana and Mississippi, and Paul sharing his latest forays into tinkering with ham radio equipment. With Christmas on the horizon and our subscriber count soaring over 100, we're feeling the festive spirit and planning giveaways to make the holiday season even more special. We've also been on the hunt for the perfect gifts for the ham radio enthusiasts in our lives, adding a sprinkling of tech magic to our holiday shopping.

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

You Never go to the Grocery Store Hungry

It's a wild, wondrous world for amateur radio enthusiasts, and we've got your all-access pass! From cozy local gatherings to regional celebrations all the way to expansive conferences, we cover every corner of the ham fest universe. Todd even dishes up some insider advice for new hams straight from NEAR-fest, while Ryan shares his ingenious strategy for scoring those elusive unmarked components. And guess what? Buying second-hand radios isn't as scary as it seems!

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

You Have Entered the Pile-Up Zone

You're traveling through another dimension -- a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's a signpost up ahead: your next stop: the Pile-Up Zone!

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

9 States, Multiple Parks and they survived New England

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to POTA in New England? How about the adrenaline rush of setting up your radio in an unexplored park, with the anticipation of making your first contact? Look no further! Podcast guests Jason (KC5HWB Ham Radio 2.0) and Kyle (AA0Z) will take you on an exhilarating journey through their POTA adventures across New England. From band coordination, equipment usage, and unique techniques adapted for park activation, they share tips and tricks to enhance your POTA experience.

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Podcast, Live Show N1JUR Podcast, Live Show N1JUR

Live Show - POTA Happy Hour

What happens when you gather a group of ham radio enthusiasts, toss in a handful of POTA (Parks on the Air) activations, and add a dash of Morse code exploration for good measure? Welcome to a lively episode with our guest stars, Todd W1STJ, Tim KC1QDK, Paul KF4TPY, and Rob from the YouTube channel 741, each bringing their unique experiences and perspectives. Despite a few technical glitches - we apologize for that, we all had great fun!

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

Ground Control to Major Todd

Let's take a trip down memory lane by looking back at our contact logs and reminiscing about the great (and not-so-great) Ham Radio contacts we've made. Even though Ryan was away, we still fondly remembered how we all met, and agreed that it was our best HF contact yet!

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

Mister? Is There Such a Thing as a Magical Go-Box?

Let's delve into the details of Todd's Go box. He has swapped out his DX10 in his home shack with his Flex, and now he wants to explore the possibilities of creating a Go Box. Ryan has built a few in the past, so we sit down and brainstorm ideas for a new home for Todd's DX10.

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This episode, Ryan will be hosting and he plans on discussing Flex ownership with Todd and Eric. They will share their personal experiences using the device and go into detail about its capabilities. However, it seems like it might turn into an intervention because true friends don't let their friends own JUST Icom radios alone....

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After participating in field day, we delved into the topic of Portable POTA hardware. Our discussion encompassed our experiences with radio setups, packs, and antennas - particularly the various antennas available. We cover how we deal with the TSA, how long arrangements are to stand up and tear down, and our radio configurations.

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Show 004: It’s not Real Ham Radio

In our ongoing "I'm a technician, now what?" series, we will be delving into the topic of digital modes. This will include an explanation of what they are, how they can be used, and our personal experiences with them. Additionally, we will address a common question among Ham Radio enthusiasts: Are digital modes such as Echolink, Fusion, D-Start, and DMR considered to be legitimate forms of Ham Radio communication?

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