
Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

Radio Waves and Road Trips: Merging Ham Radio with Vacation Adventures

Ever wondered how ham radio can add a spark to your travels? Join us in this episode of Live Free and Ham as we share how we seamlessly blend our love for ham radio with our vacation adventures. Hear the hilarious story of Paul (N1OG) being recognized at a local club meeting by Keith Chopler (AC1RH). We also give a nod to dedicated listeners like Kilo Bravo One Zulu Tango X-Ray, who’s on his journey to earning an extra license, and celebrate the exceptional work of ham radio clubs like W5TMP and GLARG, who recently conducted a successful military testing session.

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

Rare Contacts and New Adventures in Digital Ham Radio

Ever wondered how digital modes can revolutionize your ham radio experience? From transforming skeptical operators into digital enthusiasts to making rare contacts even in poor band conditions, we'll show you the magic behind FT8, JS8Call, and more. Tune in to hear our personal journeys, technical challenges, and the unique joys of integrating hobbies like fishing with radio adventures.

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

Getting Ready for Ham X with Mark from Halibut Electronic - Live Stream

Ever wondered how to optimize your ham radio setup for satellite communications? Join Eric, call sign N1JUR, and special guest Mark from Halibut Electronics as they unveil groundbreaking insights and innovative solutions in our latest episode of Live Free in Ham. We'll delve into the intricacies of eggbeater antennas and the revolutionary Eggnogs product designed to simplify your antenna setup. Get ready for an engaging discussion that promises to elevate your ham radio game.

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

Mobile Signals: Ham Radio Meets Modern Cars

Ever wondered why you can't control your ham radio through your car's infotainment system? We'll explore this and much more in this engaging episode of Live Free and Ham! We'll kick things off by catching up on the latest happenings, including Todd's wild baseball weekend and the memorable chaos brought about by the Hammered Clubhouse. Plus, check out the buzz around our new merch, especially the Hostile Takeover shirts, and don't forget to mark your calendars for our August live stream featuring the return of the renowned Mark Halibut from Halibut Electronics.

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

Every Pot will have one - LIDS and Net Controls how to navigate the airwaves

Frequency etiquette can be a minefield, and we’ve got plenty of stories to illustrate how patience and diplomacy can turn potential conflicts into opportunities for community building. Tune in as we unpack an intense encounter during a POTA activity, where a net operator aggressively claimed frequency ownership, and how we managed to keep our cool. We also shine a light on the importance of respecting designated frequencies, especially during emergencies and special events like field days, and share tips for maintaining harmony on the airwaves.

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

Waves of Wisdom: Building or buying the Ultimate HF Amateur Radio Experience

Discover the vibrant world of HF radios and join us, Eric N1JUR, Paul N1OG, and Todd W1STJ, as we guide you through the options for both the ham radio newbie and the seasoned operator. From our new "Do Good" segment celebrating ham radio community contributions to Todd's gripping journey towards his extra class license, this episode is a treasure trove of insights, personal anecdotes, and practical advice. Whether braving your first foray into HF nets or optimizing your shack with a high-end setup, we've got you covered with recommendations that won't break the bank and tips to tailor your radio experience to fit your style.

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Tales of Transmissions: Ham Radio how to explain it to others?

Step into the dynamic world of amateur radio with us, where the airwaves come alive with stories, laughter, and a wealth of knowledge! Discover how a converted news van becomes an HF ham's dream while skirting HOA rules, and learn from Todd W1STJ as he tackles tough questions from the extra class license pool. Join the excitement as we welcome Carlos, the skydiving ham, to our live stream and celebrate the ingenuity and spirit of our vibrant community.

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Conquering the Mic: Overcoming Fright and Finding Friendship in Ham Radio

Ham radio isn't just about frequencies; it's about the people and stories behind the callsigns. Todd regales us with his antenna escapades, driven by Mother Nature's whims, while I share the anticipation of eclipsing a thousand YouTube subscribers. We get you up to speed with the upcoming stream featuring Jeremy KL7EC, who's set to share tales of POTA and the Alaskan wilderness. And for those burning to broaden their ham horizons, we let you in on how embracing those initial awkward silences on air can lead to worldwide banter and friendships.

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

Navigating the Technical Terrain of Mobile Ham Radios

Prepare to upshift your mobile ham radio game as we weigh the pros and cons of different rig setups. Todd's journey from an HT to a Yaesu FTM-400 and then an FTM-300 will resonate with many of you, while I'll share the insights and occasional frustrations of our mobile installations. We'll dissect the value of features such as touchscreens and cross-band repeat functionality and how they transform our mobile radio experiences. We'll also discuss the joys of ergonomic vehicle installations that keep our gear at our fingertips.

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

Antennas to Adapters Unlocking the Secrets of OHIS with Mark Halibut

The airwaves are alive with innovation, and we're transmitting every detail. Get the inside scoop on the Eggnogs circuit board kit that's taking DIY antenna projects to new heights. The episode is buzzing with technical talk, from troubleshooting a clear node setup for truck-based operations to the intricacies of adapting microphones for various radio models. Join us and you might just find yourself reaching for a soldering iron or sketching out your next big ham radio project.

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

Homebrew vs. Store-Bought: The Ultimate Antenna Debate for Ham Radio Enthusiasts

Discover the secrets behind setting up the best antennas for on-the-go comms, from the Buddy Pole Pro's fine-tuning finesse to End Fed wonders like the Reliance antenna sweeping the ham radio scene. We're not shy about our missteps and triumphs, whether it's Paul's budget fan dipole or my high school antenna that opened up the airwaves. We even toss the idea of an antenna assembly competition for kicks and camaraderie; who says radio can't be a spectator sport?

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

Spring into the Airwaves: General Ham Radio antics and goals for 2024

Spring has sprung early, and with it, a bevy of Parks on the Air (POTA) activities has bloomed. Join us as we embark on a frequency-filled adventure. We've got a treasure trove of updates, including the scoop on our make-up live stream and the latest on our giveaway. But that’s just the tip of the antenna! We’ll test Todd's ham study prowess with some tricky questions and celebrate the impressive strides of active duty troops in Romania who've recently tuned into the world of amateur radio.

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

Adventure is just a PL Tone away - The Adventure Radio Protocol with George KJ6VU

In this discussion, we will explore the Adventure Radio Protocol in detail with George KJ6VU, well-known for his work on the Ham Radio Workbench. George will explain how this protocol can offer a more reliable and straightforward alternative to the wilderness protocol using your HT. We will also delve into his latest design, the Adventure Radio Controller, and discuss the possibilities it presents for amateur radio operators who enjoy spending time outdoors.

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Podcast N1JUR Podcast N1JUR

Minimal Power, Maximum Adventure QRP with K0KLB Kevin of Ham Radio QRP

Step into our realm where antennas become playgrounds for the imagination, turning ordinary objects into conduits for connection. As we light up bicycle tires and repurpose trampolines, our adventures remind us that failure is the prelude to success. We talk with Kevin K0KLB of Ham Radio QRP as he shares his adventures in tuning up some objects in and around the farm in Iowa.

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